Roy M. Nuzzo, M. D.
Board Certified in Orthopedics Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America Orthopedic Research Society
Awarded Physician of the Year
Jointly by The New Jersey Pediatric Society and by the Children's Emergency Medical Fund of New Jersey
Physician of the Year - Spirit of Life Award Spina Bifida Tristate Association
Voted Physician of the Year
by three unrelated organizations
Academy of Pediatrics, NJ Tristate Spina Bifida Assn, NJ, NY, Conn. Childrens Emergency Fund, NJ - 2003
+ multiple Humanitarian Awards
A Castle Connolly 'Top Doctor' .
<= PDF version
Rutgers University - B.A. - 1962-1966 Pre-med Biology, Chemistry, Humanities Beta Beta Beta Biological
Honor Society Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum Laude
Cornell University Medical College - M.D. - 1970 Clinical: New York Hospital Hospital for Special
Surgery Sloan Kettering Hospital North Shore Hospital Bellevue Hospital Payne Whitney Hospital Roosevelt Hospital
Yale Medical School - Surgical Residency - 1972 Yale New Haven Hospital & Memorial Surgical Residency & Pediatrics West Haven V. A. Hospital - General, Vascular and Chest Surgery
Harvard Medical School - Combined Orthopaedic Residency - 1975 Massachusetts General Hospital - Hand Surgery Pediatric Orthopaedics Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery Tumor Surgery
Peter Bent Brigham Hospital - Hand Surgery Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery Tumor Surgery
Breck Brigham Hospital Rheumatic Diseases Hand Reconstructive Surgery
Eunice Shriver Foundation Hospital (Fernold) - Childrens' Orthopaedics Metabolic & Genetic Diseases Birth Defects
Roxbury V.A. Spinal Trauma Center and Spinal Cord Injury Service & Research on Walking Disorders Brockton V.A. Hospital Orthopaedic problems associated with drug abuse & psychiatric illness
Childrens Hospital Medical Center, Boston Childrens Orthopedics: Childrens Hand
Surgery Birth Defects Scoliosis Spina
Bifida Cerebral Palsy Muscle Diseases Osteogenesis
Imperfecta Leg Length Inequality Hemophilia
Childrens Hospital Medical Center, Boston & in Research
Developed The Harvard Automated Computer Motion Analysis System (Award Winning `Best Research') and
Motion Analysis of Walking
Disorders in Childrens' Diseases
@ RERC (Rehabilitation Engineering and Research Center - Harvard).
United States Naval Regional Medical Center Norfolk, Virginia Service Area
South of Washington D.C. North of Puerto Rico East cost west to Mississippi Portions of Italy & Spain
Population: Military Military connected Public health facilities & aligned childrens hospitals
& services Referral Center Director of Childrens' Orthopedics Organizer of Childrens' Orthopedics Residency
Director of Spina Bifida Clinics Director of Muscular Dystrophy and Neuromuscular Clinics Director of Newborn Nursery Orthopedics (24/day) Director of Cerebral Palsy
Clinics Director of Scoliosis Clinics
Director of Clinics
for Birth Defects Childrens Hand Surgery Scoliosis Clinic Leg Length Inequality General Childrens Orthopedics and Skeletal Trauma Combined clinics > 250 children/day
Developed Low Cost Plastic Orthotic Facility Using Industrial Methods - presented to SOMOS (Society Of Military Orthopedic Surgeons)
U.S. Government Line Military Commendation
for Excellence & Development of Services Signed by the Admiral of the Atlantic Fleet
Also Organized & Conducted the first U.S. Government Study of arthroscopy with a comparative study of arthrography
Also developed the military design for arthroscopic devices .
Private Practice: Formerly : Westfield Orthopedic Group, Westfield, New Jersey.
& Family Orthopedics P.C., Summit, New Jersey Currently : Pediatric Orthopedics P.C., Summit, New Jersey
Community Involvements: Member: Task Force - Developmental Disabilities - Department of Developmental Disabilities, State of New
Jersey Round Table & Advisory : Department of Consumer Affairs + New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners formulation of legal
limitations on self referral practices corporate implications, patient effects, abuses
Trustee: Spina Bifida Association, N.J. Handicap Riders Association Union County Educational Services Foundation (Ret.)
Academy of Medicine of New Jersey
Computer science: Statistical Analysis of Medication Effects on Cancer Chemotherapy Patients (Sloan Kettering 1966-68)
Multiple Computer
Design and Modeling Projects Dealing with Medical and Othopedic Problems (see specifics)
Sculptor - wood, stone, ceramic
Painter - oils and pencil
Medical Artist - collaboration and illustration of numerous medical articles, texts, & laboratory guides.
American Academy of Orthopedics Teaching Slides on Anterior
spinal Fusion and Instrumentation with John Hall, M.D.
Scoliosis and Other Deformities of the Axial Skeleton -
Medical textbook: Riseborough, Herndon.
Laboratory Endocrinology: Strausser Multiple Articles and
Slide Series for: Harris: Hip reconstructive surgical methods Pappas: Pelvic reconstruction for hip
disease in children Hall: Anterior reconstruction of the cervical
spine Mankin: Allograft joint replacement for tumor .
The first
computer generated drawings of camera observed human walking The first 3D / 4D computer generated stick figures of human walking
(Award winning project, computer analysis of high speed film captured human walking, normal and abnormal. Numerical reconstruction and graphic
representation as graphs and figures with 3D image manipulation. Developed the core graphical computer methods for terminal user display and manipulation of acquired data).
Harvard: Rehabilitation Engineering and Research Center.
Aramid cross linking chemistry, polymer research. Employing capped epoxy radicals in plasma-vacuum field. + R.G. Nuzzo, PhD
Other materials research related to plastics and metal adhesion and brace & cast related materials.
ADAM splint (Adjustable Digital And Metacarpal splint) A common splint system for treatment of severe and lesser hand, finger, and
thumb injuries -
for casts, from 3M company. Allows normal gait during cast wearing.
WACH shoe. (Wedge Adjustable Cushion Heel shoe) for
complex adaptation to more difficult injury cast situations. Allows conservative (nonsurgical) treatment of Achilles rupture without loss of function or work or sport
Cross Hair digitizer for NTSC computer analysis.
A modification of a computer inline crosshair system for simultaneous use with live and recorded video.
Functional design of numerous (brands) of modular cast braces.
ADVISORY EDITOR - Orthopedics Today - World wide monthly publication - retired
Rutgers - Beta Beta Beta award Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum Laude
Harvard 1975 - Best Research, Analysis of Human Gait and Methodology
United States Government
United States Navy Line Military Commendation for excellence in development of childrens' services and teaching, by congressional study & Admiral of The Atlantic Fleet, 1978
Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America
- Pioneer Award 3rd place - 1989 Office based computer video gait analysis system Compact Interactive Computer Video System
New Jersey - Governor'sCommendation From Thomas H. Kean, Governor of New Jersey,
1986 Commendation for pioneering work in Childrens' Orthopedics bringing praise to N.J.
Special Olympics Committee Award - Behalf of Down Syndrome Care & Research
Project Children Award - for medical services
International Computing Competition: Third place, computer programming applications contest,
sponsored by "True BASIC Inc.", 1990 For CAD 3D System Independent of External Grid Reference System (For amorphous systems lacking fixed or well demarcated points of
reference. Biologic CAD)
Again - Same contest 1993 - Winner - Intelligent Images True 3D (stereoscopic) full color animation in mobile windows with instructional word wrap. Hypertext linked to objects within stereoscopic animated images
Overlook Hospital House Staff Teaching Award 1978
Overlook Hospital
Applause Award for community service 1993 Project Children
(International) - 1987 Commendation for work -
Eunice Shriver Foundation
- Commendation for work with Down Syndrome Children Special Olympics
Counter current electrophoresis of human proteins Myoglobin research - numerous aspects, 1965 - 1968
A Motion Analyzer for Clinical
Use Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana 1976 A Comprehensive Clinical System for Four Dimensional Motion Analysis - Bulletin Hospital for Joint
Diseases April 1977 .
Genu Recurvatum in Spastic Cerebral Palsy Report on Findings by Gait Analysis Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 1978
Low Cost Manufacture Of Lower
Limb Plastic Orthoses Society of Military Orthopedic Surgeons 1977
Dynamic Bracing: Elastics for Patients with Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy and
Myelodysplasia Clinical Orthopedic Related Research, May 1980
Nerve Entrapment in Greenstick Fractures in Children Presentation, New York Academy of Science, December
Gas Gangrene- Presentation New York Academy of Science, December 1980
Dry Ice Freezing as Prelude to Surgical Amputation Orthopedics, February
Ambulatory Periosteal Finger Traction With Brace for Severe Finger Injuries, Orthopedics Today, 1977
High Performance with Below-Knee Cast Treatment Mechanics
& Demonstration Orthopedics, June 1983
High Performance with Below-Knee Cast Treatment Clinical Application & The Weak Link Hypothesis, Orthopedics, July 1983
Practical & Clinically Viable Video based Gait Analysis Proceedings of the 11th Annual North East Bioengineering Conference, March 1985
A Simple Treatment of Genu Recurvatum in Ataxic & Athetoid Cerebral Palsy Orthopedics, September 1986.
Contra-lateral Compensation with Knee Impairment Clinical Orthopedics & Related Research, October 1987
A Computer Model of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
+ Causes of Fixation Error and Chondrolysis Orthopedics, January 1986
A Computer Model of Proximal Cervical Instability in Down Syndrome, From
X-ray Studies, Multi-specialty Conference On Down Syndrome
Wheeling: An Alternative Swing-Through Gait SOMA - Engineering for the Human Body, Volume 3, 1989
Harmonic Analysis of Human Gait, How We Walk presented at several Bioengineering Conferences & at.
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Biomedical Seminar
& again at Eastern Orthopedic Association - Meeting 1996 (below) as: An
unlocking of the Fibonacci series and human form & function a mathematical model and explanation of compensatory mechanisms in human walking. Eastern
Orthopedic Association (NJ, NY, Ct, +),
& again at Nevis, British West Indies, April 1996
9-bar Foot Prosthetic Linkage to simulate stance knee function in friction lock A-K prostheses Biomech Presentations, several
Elastic Simulation of Spasticity, EMG & Gait Analysis of a model of spasticity. Induction of spasticity-like behavior in normal volunteers & study of responses..
Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthenings: AFive Year Outcome Review & 20 year experience with an original
procedure (In English & French) Canadian Orthopedic Association & Canadian Orthopedic Research Society - Annual Meeting, June 3, 1997 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Counter-paralysis for Treatment of Paralytic Scoliosis With Botulinum Toxin A. J. Orthopedics, March 1997 &
presented at American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery Convention March 1997
New Treatment Options for the Severely Handicapped Columbus Seminars with Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Children's Hospital Annual
Conference, Dept. Mental Retardation & Dev. Disabilities June 10, 1997, Cincinnati Ohio
A New Treatment for Unicameral Bone Cysts Employing Bone Gel Paste delivered Synthetic Calcitonin A Series - Presented to Eastern Orthopedic Association - 1997
Series in continuation.
Counter Paralysis for Treatment of Paralytic Scoliosis with Botulinum Toxin An Original Study Nuzzo, R.M.; Boucherit, T.; Walsh, S.; Massood,
S. American Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, March 1997
Above also presented within a larger series with independent validation at the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery, Convention, May
1997 Botulinum Toxin Type A as Adjunctive Treatment in Spastic Neuromuscular Scoliosis [ a Cooperative Outcomes Study ] Nuzzo, R.; Errico, T.; Walsh, S.; Boucherit, T.; Dryer,
J.; Overlook Hospital, NYU Hosp, Hosp Joint Dis North American Spine Society, 13th Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 1998.
The Effect of Screw Orientation on the Stability of Anterior Instrumentation in Cyclic Lateral Bending, Rodriquez,-Olaverri,J; Hasharoni, A.; DeWal, H; Nuzzo, R; Kummer,
F;Errico, T : The Spine Journal , Sept 2005 , Vol 5, Issue 5 pp 554-557
Spine - State of the Art Reviews Spinal Instrumentation
- Ed: Thomas J. Errico, MD Chapter: Rationale & Technique of
Same Day Anterior Instrumentation & Posterior
Instrumentation for Severe Rigid Pediatric Scoliotic Deformities
Errico, Nuzzo, Dryer
Textbook Surgical Management of Spinal Deformities, Errico, Lonner, Moulton; pub: Saunders 2009
- Nuzzo, Errico, Chapter 10: Cerebral Palsy
& Other Neuromuscular Disorders in Children
A new anterior spinal fixation system - low profile and secure fixation.
Full color true bifocal 3D computer animation as pop up window, with text, within normal computer display for storage and recal of information
related to movement (gait, dance, etc.). Data grabbed by 3D video cameras. Finished project - incorporated into graphics based systems language libraries. Award winning computer
project pioneering self programming images.
Cost Analysis - Outcomes Studies of Orthopedic Interventions in Neurologically Impaired Patients, ongoing funded by the Summit Area Public
Following : Phase I (Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, March, 1997) Counter-paralysis in the treatment of Paralytic
Scoliosis with Botulinum toxin - a new treatment
Phase II, animal trials with a new genetically engineered agent - goal Rx
for Idiopathic scoliosis.
Clinical Cross Development of Real Time Video Imaging (capable of seeing moving internal structures, cartilage, tendon, and organs etc. without radiation) -
Sonovideography Imperium Inc., Maryland, Technical Developer
LECTURER : (past & present) Rutgers University - Anatomy Harvard University - Orthopaedics New York University
Physical Therapy - Developmental Disabilities New York Hospital - Pediatric Physical Therapy Dept University of Oregon - Walking Disorders Seton Hall Graduate Medical Education - Orthopedics
+ Saint Joseph's Hospital & Residency Orthopedics JFK Hospital - Dept. Physical Therapy New York School of Podiatry - Hip pathology of children.
Multiple Conferences and Seminars Keynote speaker for many Spina Bifida Seminars and Developmental Disabilities seminars. (too numerous to
Partial Listing: Orthopedic/Rehabilitative Issues in the Developmentally Disabled Individual - Ohio
Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthening Outcomes - Canada, West Indes
Evaluation and Management of Children With Neuromuscular Disorders, Botox, Alcohol neurolysis, and orthopedic interventions and PT significance. NYU, NY
Botox treatment of paralytic scoliosis - AAOS - San Francisco, California
Orthopedic Update & Rehab issues - Matheny - NJ
Surgical & Rehab issues in cerebral Palsy - Dynamic Therapy
Pediatric Symposium Meadowlands , N.J.
Management of Children With Neuromuscular issues + percutaneous interventions -Cornell Med Ctr, NYC
Book Chapter: Surgical Management of Spinal Deformities - Errico et al - Chapt 10 - Nuzzo & Errico : Pearls
MEMBERSHIPS : (partial listing) Fellow American Academy of
Orthopedic Surgeons Fellow American Academy of Pediatrics Board Certified by American Board of Orthopedic Surgeons Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America Orthopaedic Research Society
New Jersey Orthopaedic Society Trustee Union County Educational Foundation Appointed Member of the New Jersey Academy of Medicine .